About Us
As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit, incorporated in the state of Alaska, we provide funding ideas and sources as well as technical assistance for on-the-ground trail related projects and programs such as development, maintenance, easement acquisition, safety, education, and more. Our supporters and partners represent a cross-section of trail user groups, businesses, government agencies, community organizations, and individuals. Alaska Trails is the only statewide group providing care for all Alaskan trails.
Our Mission
Building trails for Alaska’s people, communities, and economy
Our Vision
Alaska connected by sustainable trails
Guiding Principles
Advocating for trails access, and public support.
Building the leaders of tomorrow’s trails.
Connecting volunteers to trails through stewardship.
Convening trail users and trail-focused groups to share, partner, and build.
Educating Alaskans on the value of sustainable trails.
Goals at a Glance
Improved and expanded trails and trail policies for a diverse user group.
Expand Alaska Trails capacity to grow and sustain the goals of the Alaska Trails Initiative (ATI).
Increased use and value from Alaska’s existing trails.
Increased or reinstated funding of existing and/or needed trails programs.
Statewide and self-sustaining Alaska Trail Stewards program.
Educated and empowered trail users, advocates, volunteers, workers, and land managers.

Alaska Trails is grateful to the sponsors and partners that make our work possible
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement​
Alaska Trails is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization where all employees and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or ability, feel valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for employment and volunteerism in
all of our programs and worksites. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are valued and heard.
We want to welcome everyone into the trail work community because everyone should enjoy the
benefits of time on trail and because a diverse, engaged and growing community is vital for the
future of the trails we love. Our community will be the strongest champion for trails if it builds
connections across identities and honors open dialogue about how we can all do better.
2024 Sponsors and Funders






2024 Partners
