Alaska Long Trail (AKLT)
From the Camino de Santiago in Spain to the Great Himalayan Trail in Nepal, from the Appalachian to Pacific Crest Trail in the United States, long trails have captured the interest of travelers the world over. With some of the most stunning wilderness in the world, Alaska is overdue in creating a world-class long trail of its own. Long trails engage visitors and residents in a range of activities, from simple day adventures to multi-week, bucket list lifetime accomplishments.
Alaska Trails and its partners are working on a multi-braid trail system connecting Fairbanks and Seward. The trail system will incorporate a variety of year-round uses (motorized and nonmotorized) along different braids. Many sections of the proposed trail already exist or are currently planned, and the route is almost entirely on public lands, reducing the complexity and cost.
It’s time for Alaska to invest in its future by creating a route that will stand with the other great long trails of the world.
A world-class trail system connecting 500+ miles of Alaska’s iconic terrain and diverse communities from the Pacific to the Interior, embracing the many ways Alaskans recreate outdoors and bolstering the Alaska economy by attracting visitors from all over the world.

With the help of Senator Lisa Murkowski, on December 29th 2022, Congress directed the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to conduct the National Scenic Trail feasibility study for the Alaska Long Trail. The BLM is currently working on producing the study and a draft will be available for public review in the spring of 2025.
Growing Use & Real Benefits for Businesses & Communities
Three million visitors a year hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail.
Hiking is the fastest growing activity for both air and cruise out-of-state Alaska visitors 2011-16.
$250 Million in increased annual Alaska spending if out-of-state visitors have reasons to add "One More Day” to their trip.
$412 Billion: Outdoor recreation is the “Sleeping Giant of The US Economy,” providing 2.2% of the total US GDP, larger than fishing, farming, forestry, utilities, or telecommunications.
Gateway towns along long trails benefit from more jobs, business opportunities, and tax revenues.
Momentum and Landowner Support: largely on public land, a substantial portion (20%) already exists
Manageable Costs: buildable terrain, good access
Community Connections: more jobs, businesses, tax revenues
Multi-Season/Multi-modal: options for summer and winter; options for river and train based connections
Wow Factor: mountains, glaciers, wildlife, honoring and celebrating the long, diverse history of these lands
The trail aims to support diverse trail users. Uses on specific trail segments will be determined by the terrain as well as the management policies of individual land owners and agencies. Existing agency policies regarding motorized/non-motorized use for any given trail will not be changed. The ultimate goal is a network of routes accommodating a variety of uses, including some braids open to motorized use, and others for non-motorized hiking, biking, horseback riding, and skiing. Water routes and railroad connections will be incorporated to diversify ways to enjoy the trail system and bridge gaps where necessary.

© Bob Wick, BLM

Alaska Trails, a statewide non-profit, is coordinating this ambitious project, working with the AKLT Coalition (representatives from each region along the route) and local & regional Working Groups, including landowners, residents, businesses, and users. In addition to determining preferred routes and uses, these groups will explore the best long-term solutions for trail maintenance and management.
Alaska’s Path to Better (and Longer) Visitor Experiences, in Alaska Business Magazine
A 500-mile hiking trail across Alaska? Advocates say the pandemic is a perfect time to start, by AK Public Media
Outdoor Recreation is different in Alaska, our Alaska Long Trail will be too, in Alaska Landmine

© Tim Charnon, USFS

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The Alaska Long Trail concept is fresh and exciting, and we welcome help and ideas in this work.
Contact Us with your ideas or questions. We would love to hear from you!
© Max Romey Productions